Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 10th 2011

Hey everyone!  Everyone who actually reads these that is... =P

I figured Id make a random post this afternoon, sadly all in text since I'm not yet able to do videos!!!  That will all change after this coming Tuesday when I get my laptop fixed...  Hopefully...

Anyways, today seems like its going to be another boring day sitting around home, doing nothing what so ever!!!  How exciting eh?

I've noticed lately some old pattern's, and changes in my mood, as well as perception of reality.  I've been off my medication for quite a few months now, and have decided maybe its time to change that.  I see my family doctor this coming Tuesday, and I'm going to have her refer me to a psychiatrist in the Adult system.  I have no interest in going back to my youth counselor and psychiatrist at Discovery.  My intention is mainly to do an intake assessment, and hopefully get back on my Divalproex.  At least its a start, and it will help stabilize my mental state.

Even though I'm still injured and incapable of returning to work at Kelsey's.  I'm considering looking around for work elsewhere, not in the kitchen or restaurant industry.  I'm planning on re-doing my resume, posting it online, and applying for a few different jobs.  Hopefully something not as physically demanding as a kitchen comes available, and maybe then I can return to work sooner than if I was returning to Kelsey's.

So today is March 10th, which means there is exactly 16 days till the Saint Patrick's themed party.  (March 26th)  I'm quite looking forward to hosting this event!  I've bought a ton of themed decorations from Dollarama, and have a few more to pick up from Spencer's.  Some time next week when I've got all the decorations I'll begin the setup and decorating for the party.  I'm going to video this process and add some other clips and such, and put together a "How To" video.  Which will be featured on the YouTube channel some friends and I are in the process of making.

Anyways, I believe that's all for now.  I really wish time would speed forward to next Tuesday, then I will have access to my laptop back and can start doing Vlogs!!!  =)

.......... Not that anyone is actually reading these... >.<

Monday, March 7, 2011

March 7th 2011

I really haven't been staying current or up-to-date with this whole blogging thing, so I figured Id log in and post something...

Lately has been kind of scattered with the whole back injury thing, and being quite sick.  Everyone around me seems to be ill, which makes it quite hard to get better.  As for the back injury, the pain and discomfort is still there for sure.  I'm more mobile than I have been, and getting more so each day.  I do notice that if I try to do too much though, I end up pretty much disabled by the end of the day.  Which sucks balls!  This whole sick & injured thing sucks major balls...  Well, it doesn't just suck balls, it kind of deep throats them... lol

Anyways, in other news...  I've been on Plenty of Fish & Evow a bit lately.  I rarely log in to either account, but noticed in my email last week that I had a message.  I popped online and had a good conversation with the person on there, and even met up and hung out for the night.  At least I made a new friend and social connection.  Then yesterday I received an email saying I had a message on Evow.  So far that's going well as far as the social connection.  Most people can't seem to carry on a conversation very long, so it was quite interesting to have two within a few days.  Either way, I never expect much, just a few new friends would be nice!

Oh!  I made a new post on my other blog "Simply Scattered", & I'll be including the link bellow if anyone wants to check that out, or any of the other blogs on that forum.  Its not a personal blog, just random stuff that I find interesting.  

In other news, I'm currently trying to throw together a "Saint Patrick's Day" themed party for my friends at the end of the month.  I'm hoping every thing turns out awesome!  Like all my parties are... lol  I'll have all my party lights set up to make that whole "Dance Floor/Rave/Night Club" feel, loud music with Hip-Hop, Top40, Dubstep, Techno, & some Irish Drinking songs thrown into the mix.  We'll have tons of themed decorations, Beer Pong, Beer Bongs!  I'm also hoping to have Guitar Hero & Dance Dance Revolution set up on one TV via my PS2.  There will hopefully be another TV playing music videos along with the songs.  There will be tons of other drinking games and social games, and what ever else anyone can think of.  

I'll probably be hiding in a corner some where at the party unless I'm needed.  As much as I love planning and hosting parties, the actual partying part isn't really my thing.  Unless someone motivates to get up out of my seat! lol

So to conclude this whole post, I'm going to let anyone know who reads these that I'll be posting "Vlogs", or Video Blogs here pretty soon.  Thanks to my brand new Logitech 9000 Webcam!!! =P  I was so stoked when I bought it on sale for $69.99, regularly $119.99  I'm also going to be "hopefully", starting a YouTube channel with a few friends pretty soon.  Mostly just random comedic stuff, skits and what not.  Anyways, thus is my blog for the day! =)