Friday, January 28, 2011

January 28th 2011

January 28th 2011

For those of you who know me personally this is old news, but for anyone who comes across this from outside my social network, I'll fill you in.

Just over one week ago, I was climbing a tree with a friend of mine.  I wound up falling approximately 8 feet onto my tail bone and lower back, onto uneven rock surface.  I wound up fracturing my T12 Vertebrae in the Thoracic section of my spine.  Luckily for me it was a compression fracture, which is apparently better than having a burst fracture.  I'm on bed rest for approximately 6 weeks, and will probably need a month off work after that before my doctor will allow me to return to work.

I'm starting to move a little easier.  I can stand and sit longer, but walking for extended periods is uncomfortable. I guess I just need to accept my limitations and live by them.  I'm really looking forward to being able to return to normal life.

Bellow is a picture of the human spine, I've included this so you can see the specific vertebrae I've fractured.  (TH12)  Its the last Vertebrae in the blue section.

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